Searching for: Blocks in Java
For Loop
Language: Java

The for loop is a control structure that executes a block of code a specified number of times.

Standard Methods
Language: Java

A method is a block of code that can be called from another location in the program or class. It is used to reduce the repetition of multiple lines of code. The return statement concludes the execution of the block of code, returning something of type provided in the method header, or null (void method).

If Statement
Language: Java

The if else block controls decision making by checking true/false statements resulting in different executions of code, depending on if the result is true and if the result is false. There are three parts to the if-else block: if, else if, and else.

Ternary Operator
Language: Java

The ternary operator is used to execute code based on the result of a binary condition. It takes in a binary condition as input, which makes it similar to an 'if-else' control flow block. It also, however, returns a value, behaving similar to a method.

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