Object Oriented Programming
Access Modifiers in Java
Access modifiers restrict or permit direct access to a member (method, class, field, etc.) outside of a class or scope.
modifier memberDeclaration; //memberDeclaration is the method, class, variable, or other member declaration
Members with the 'public' modifier can be accessed directly outside of the class.
Members with the 'private' modifier can only be accessed within the class
Members with the 'protected' modifier can be accessed within the class, an imported package, and within a subclass.
public class Car {
private int speed;
public int wheels;
/*these methods can access and modify the private variable
because they are within its class */
public Car(int carSpeed) {
speed = carSpeed;
wheels = 4;
//this public method is a 'getter', it returns the value contained in a private variable
public int getSpeed() {
return speed;
public void carBrake(int slow) {
speed -= slow;
Car sedan = new Car(80);
//wheels is a public variable, so it can be accessed directly outside the class itself
System.out.println("Number of wheels: " + sedan.wheels);
//Speed is a private variable, so it cannot be accessed directly
System.out.println("Speed: " + sedan.speed); //will not compile
//Instead, a public method within the class is used to access the variable's value
System.out.println("Speed: " + sedan.getSpeed()); //will compile
See Also
RelatedClass Declaration
Variable Declaration
Standard Method Declaration
Java Tutorials - Access Control