Searching for: Blocks in Java
Try Catch Block
Language: Java

A try-catch block is used to mitigate errors in code and prevent program crashing during runtime. It 'tries' a block of code that could give an error. If the error (exception) is caught, it will execute a different block of code rather than crash the program.

While Loop
Language: Java

The while loop executes a block of code while a boolean expression evaluates to true. It terminates as soon as the expression evaluates to false. The boolean expression is evaluated before each iteration.

Language: Java

Commenting is used to write text within the code that is ignored by the compiler.

Class Methods
Language: Java

Class methods are methods that are called on the class itself, not on a specific object instance. The static modifier ensures implementation is the same across all class instances. Many standard built-in classes in Java (for example, Math) come with static methods (for example, Math.abs(int value)) that are used in many Java programs.

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