Searching for: Variable Declaration in C++
For Loop
Language: C++

The for loop is used to use a control structure that executes a block of code a specified number of times.

Language: C++

C++ has a vector class within the std namespace. A vector is similar to an array, in a sense where a series of elements are stored with the same variable name. Unlike arrays, vectors are dynamically sized, which is a major advantage.

Language: C++

Namespaces allow the grouping of named entities within a certain area in a program. It is used to reduce collisions of entities with the same name.

Language: C++

A function is a block of code that can be called from another location in the program or class. It is used to reduce the repetition of multiple lines of code. The return statement concludes the execution of the block of code. The function can either return a value (of dataType, declared in the function header), or return nothing (use the 'void' dataType). Within classes, functions are known are 'Methods'.

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