Primitive Data Types in C#
To declare the type of data for the value of a variable. Primitive data types include: int, short, long, byte, float, double, char, and boolean.
dataType variableName;
Integer valued data types include: int (4byte), short (2byte), long (8byte), and byte (1byte).
Floating-point data types include: float (4byte), and double (8byte).
Char is a 16bit character using Unicode encoding.
Boolean is a true or false value.
C# also supports complex data types such as strings and objects. It also allows for user-defined types through class and interface definitions.
Strings in C# are used with the String class, however the data type 'string' acts as an alias for System.String.
int hour = 5;
float cpuTime = 3.14;
bool hasStarted = true;
char yesNo = 'y';
System.String message = "Random Data Declarations!";
string month = "January";