Control Flow

While Loop in C

The while loop executes a block of code while a boolean expression evaluates to true. It terminates as soon as the expression evaluates to false. The boolean expression is evaluated before each iteration.

while(booleanExpression) { 
    //block of code to be executed


Because the boolean expression is evaluated before each iteration, the block of code executes ONLY if the booleanExpression evaluates to true. If a guarantee is needed for the block of code to run at least once, use the do-while loop.

booleanExpression results in either a true or false output. It is created using comparing operators (==, >, =, <=, !=).

There can also be multiple boolean expressions within the parentheses (booleanExpression). The boolean expressions are connected through logical operators (&&, ||, !).

int timer = 0; 
while(timer < 10) { 
    printf("%d \n", timer); 

See Also

GNU C Manual - while Statement

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