Control Flow
Case Statement in Ruby
Used to test variable equality for a list of values, where each value is a case. When the variable is equal to one of the cases, the statements following the case are executed. A break statement ends the switch case. The optional default case is for when the variable does not equal any of the cases.
case variable
when value1
#code to execute when variable is equal to value1
when value2
#code to execute when variable is equal to value2
when value3..value4
#code to execute when variable is in range of value3 and value4
#default code to execute if none of the above values are reached
As seen above, ranges can be used in a case statement.
puts "You're trying to escape an enemy spaceship. Will you choose the left or right door?"
door = gets.chomp
case door
when 'left'
puts "You have reached the escape pod."
when 'right'
puts "You broke the air-tight seal and you shot off into space."
puts "The troopers have found you. You are under arrest."